-see the surface as a living presence
- develop your improvisational imagination
-dropping the bucket down the well
-art is the business of sensation and mind married
-the athletics between the analytical mind and feeling
-allow decisions to be guided by feeling
-how do we converse with the working surface
-how do we harvest sensation
-does an experience leave a residue?
-do we take our sensations seriously?
-subject matter is not important
-muscularity of the design
-music is pure design, no subject matter- just form
-a painting is a complexion
-color makes its own light
-how do shapes occupy the space they are living in? and what is the musculature of that occupation?
-do we follow our curiosity?
-conversation with paint, not with subject matter
-float in mystery where you do not need rationality
-become closer listeners to our own voice as it manifest in the surface
-allow destination to emerge from the process
-borders are important places in paintings
-how to lose control and how to swim in it
-build the muscles to hold yourself in your experience
-how do we deal with unexpected in our work?
-know a place in a complex way
- the more one sees the more one knows
-just because I see them, doesn't mean I need them
You can check out his upcoming online classes here: